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CCFC #26 August 26, 2018
CCFC #26 had members return to Turkey Point to scan the shorelines for trash. In total CCFC members collected 272 lbs of trash from Ramsay Lake with Team AP Capstone taking home the win with 144 lbs of trash.Team AP Capstone was comprised of members Alexi Parmele, Carlos Vincente, Jack Drohat, and Jack Klaus. Coming in second with a close 128 lbs was the Dad Bod Squad consisting of members: Kyle Fleshman, Alex Cooke, Christian Cato, Connor Morningred, and Rob Rutkai. The most common piece of trash collected today was plastic bottles as well as old crab pots and chicken wire.

CCFC #27 September 22, 2018
CCFC #27 had members return to Cadle Creek on a pleasant fall day to kick off CCFC's fall events. The weather was perfect and the small group of 8 people all worked well together to make the day a really productive and fun afternoon. Team 1: "The Couples" stayed in Cadle Creek to struggle to lift an entire car engine from the water, but were sadly unsuccessful in getting the entire engine. While Team 1 worked at the engine half of Team 2: "What Are Saturdays For?" braved the slightly rougher waters of the Rhode River as they crossed to find more trash, and the other half of Team 2 collected trash within the calm waters of Cadle Creek. In total 125 lbs of trash was collected with most of the trash consisting of plastic bottles and pieces of metal. Team 1 narrowly missed out on the victory to Team 2 55 lbs to 70 lbs. All in all it was a wonderful, fun, and productive fall afternoon out on the Chesapeake Bay! Team 1 consisted of Morgan Lee, Colin Murphy, Matthew Bates, and Alexi Parmele. Team 2 consisted of Jack Klaus, Will Pavlick, Kyle Fleshman, and Rob Rutkai.

CCFC #28 September 30, 2018
CCFC #28 had a lower turn out then usual with just 3 members, but they still managed to make a huge difference by collecting 200 lbs of trash from the Rhode River. Seasoned CCFC veterans Jack Drohat, Matt Bates, and Rob Rutkai decided to work together to collect the trash rather then compete because they all owned multiple CCFC shirts from previous victories. Together they shared one large canoe and the CCFC barge and fished out large sifters, flammable liquid containers, and seemingly endless amounts of Styrofoam and plastic bottles from the Rhode River.

CCFC #29 October 14, 2018
CCFC #29 took place on an overcast fall morning with a slight chill in the air. 8 members returned to Cheston Creek to scour new shores for trash. While on the water, members encountered pickup truck liners, tires, and grills along the beach of Cheston Creek. Team 2: The Blue Team, consisting of Matt Bates, Dom Gallina, Bryce Wright, and Hunter Wright, collected 75 lbs to clinch second place. Team 1: The Orange Team, consisting of Alexi Parmele, Jack Drohat, Kyle Fleshman, and Rob Rutkai collected 299lbs of trash to take home the win. In total CCFC members collected 374 lbs of trash from Cheston Creek.

CCFC #30 October 20, 2018
CCFC #30 went against all odds and proved anything can be accomplished with a team and a plan. 10 CCFC members returned to Cheston Creek and collected a staggering 635 lbs. This cleanup stretched the limits of the CCFC barge which managed to get 635 lbs of trash as well as all 10 members and 4 kayaks safely home at CCFC HQ 2 miles away. The trash included 5 tires including 1 tractor trailer tire that weighed 205 lbs on its own as well as the usual Styrofoam, fishing line, cans, and plastic bottles. CCFC #30 was also special because it welcomed 3 new members, Molly McQueeny, Ryan Lomax, and Isaiah Ventura. Team Orange consisted of Jack Drohat, Bryce Wright, Ryan Lomax, and Isaiah Ventura. They collected a respectable 195 lbs of trash. Team Blue knocked it out of the park clinching first place with 440 lbs. Team Blue consisted of Kyle Fleshman, Molly McQueeny, Michael Grimm, and Hunter Wright. Robert Rutkai and Christian Cato manned the barge for the day acting as supervisors. The Barge Boys as they were called motored between groups giving advice, supplying trash bags, and collecting filled trash bags from each group. The two teams and the two supervisors in the barge made for an efficient, productive, and unbelievable CCFC cleanup which will go down as one of the best.

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